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How I explain Coaching:
This is a guide! ALWAYS personalize your messages! If someone expresses concerns about something, remember to LISTEN: I totally understand, validate how they feel, relate how they feel with how YOU felt or another coach in their position, and find a solution. If coaching is not for them, it’s not for them! Message 1: **I’d like more Coaching info. What do you do as a Coach? As a coach, I share my life and health/fitness, listen to people's goals, and help them choose a workout/shakeology for a challenge. I place them in a challenge group, teach them how to eat clean, portion sizes, and motivate/support/cheer them on to finish what they started. I stress making it a lifestyle that's easy to maintain. My Challenges are duplicatable--meaning I supply all nutrition tools and daily “assignments” and teach my team how to use these things to run their own groups (after “on the job” training within one of my groups). So, when you’re ready to run your own groups, it’s simple. Once my challengers see results they are excited and have belief that the process works, they share with their friends, and either send referrals OR decide to coach themselves (which both help my business grow) In a nutshell, that's how it works! This video explains a little more in detail: http://beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/LilyRubio?bctid=2688606650001 The way income is made is kind of complex…but, if you’d like to know about that part, I can do my best to simplify it for you! —————————————————————————— Message 2: **If they ask about income: If customers buy from you, you make 25% commission (About $30 per shakeo order and $50-$70 per challenge pack, and 25% for other products as well). Once you build a team of coaches, you make bonuses off of the volume they sell. This income becomes residual. So, in the beginning of my business, most of my $$ was made by retail sales to challengers. Then, it was my job to help them succeed within their challenge and get results. Once they get results, they are excited and their friends are interested in a challenge...I either receive referrals OR they become coaches themselves--which grows my team and grows my residual income. My team bonuses started as $0 per week as a new coach. Now, I've been coaching for 17 months, and my team bonuses are the bulk of my paychecks. As my team grows and succeeds, my income grows. So, it’s my job to help my team succeed. The income opportunities are endless! Beachbody was just featured in Success from Home Magazine as being one of the BEST work from home companies I know you will LOVE coaching if you’re ready to take a leap of faith, I’d love to help you start this new life venture :)) —————————————————————————— Message 3: **How much does it cost to sign up? There are two ways I sign up: 1. Pay a one time $39.95 fee (We make no commission off sign ups--they go directly to Beachbody) Or 2. Purchase a challenge pack (workout + Shakeology together discounted) and have that fee waived. I highly recommend option 2...that's how I got started. Sharing what I did within my challenge on FB is what got the ball rolling for my business There is a $15 monthly fee for website maintenance and they provide u with a huge, organized online office. ((You still save regardless of the $15 fee since shakeo is $97 instead of $129! )) —————————————————————————— Message 4: Option 1- https:// There's the link! Make sure during the process you see either my name OR my coach ID 510019 Lmk when you're finished, and I'll add you into the coach training! PS. You have 30 days to order a challenge pack and have your $39 fee refunded Option 2- **WITH a Challenge Pack Ok, here's the link to sign up for Coaching: It's going to explain to you about the $39.95 fee and $15.95/mo...BUT...don't worry...the $39.95 fee is waived during this process. You will be guided to choose a "Challenge Pack". You will scroll down to the Challenge Packs that are $140 and Choose 21 Day Fix and the Shakeology of your choice (I recommend Tropical Strawberry or Vanilla) Make sure somewhere during the process it says you would like Lily Rubio as your coach If they need my email it's lilyrubiofitness@gmail.com and my coach screenname is Lily Rubio. Coach ID is 510019. If you need ANYTHING let me know!! . And, lmk when you're finished so I can add you into the coach training group! OPTION 2- **CHALLENGE PACK UPGRADE- Ok, here's the link to sign up for Coaching: It's going to explain to you about the $39.95 fee and $15.95/mo...BUT...don't worry...the $39.95 fee is waived during this process if you choose a challenge pack (if not… I attached quick online form to submit since you previously purchased a challenge pack—this will reimburse your $39 fee). AND...instead of your future Shakeology being $130...it will be $99 which makes it LOOK like a $30 savings/per month, but once the $15.95/mo fee is taken out, the total savings is approx $16/mo as we spoke about. A coach account can be cancelled at ANY time...so there are no obligations If they need my email it's lilyrubiofitness@gmail.com and my coach screenname is Lily Rubio. Coach ID is 510019. If you need ANYTHING let me know!! Also, when you finish please lmk so I can add you to my coach training that started today! Refund form will submit within 2-3 business dayshttps://fs18.formsite.com/ |
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1. ¿Tiene un objetivo específico de pérdida de peso ? 2. De 1 a 10 ¿Cómo calificaría su nivel de condición física actual? 3. ¿Qué has intentado en el pasado para bajar de peso? 4. ¿Qué luchan más con nutrición o ejercicio? 5. ¿Cómo se va a sentir si usted alcanza sus metas? - #2 Gracias por ser tan honesta con sus respuestas. Aquí está un poco sobre mi experiencia. Empecé Beachbody 40 libras de sobrepeso debido a 2 embarazos. Quería sentir como yo de nuevo, pero ir al gimnasio era poco realista debido a mi horario de trabajo y la vida familiar. Decidí comenzar y traer a mi entrenamientos casa por primera vez. Un componente importante de mi éxito con esto es que cambié mi forma de comer siguiendo el plan 21 Day Fix. La combinación de los entrenamientos con el plan de comida, me empezó a perder las libras y pulgadas extras desde casa. Dentro de 4 meses que estaba de vuelta en mi pre-embarazo ropa y más feliz que nunca! Han pasado más de un año y no he parado. Bueno por lo que aquí es lo que te puedo ofrecer como entrenador en su viaje de fitness. Cuando se une a un grupo de apoyo con el que te vas a obtener el mejor valor absoluto y la experiencia! Este es el cuadro completo. Su Fitness + Nutrición + Soporte = Éxito ... Usted va a obtener su 21 día - programa de acondicionamiento físico que está demostrado que funciona, un grupo de 10 a 20 otras señoras que van a estar con ustedes en cada paso del camino. Estas mujeres están en la misma misión que se encuentra y el apoyo será de valor incalculable, un suministro de 30 días de una dosis densa de la nutrición diaria lleno de súper alimentos que ayudarán a limpiar su cuerpo, un plan de alimentación personalizable, y por supuesto yo como su entrenadora que le guiará cada paso del camino. ¿Suena esto como algo que podría beneficiar a usted? #3 Que bueno!. Espero que estos videos (abajo) totalmente te inspiran y obtener motivada a trabajar conmigo ! Bueno por lo que aquí están mis recomendaciones basadas en sus metas. Creo que 21 Fix Día y Shakeology sería una gran opción para usted, basado en lo que has compartido conmigo hasta ahora ! ¿Va a revisar estos videos y que me haga saber si te interesan ? Una vez que haya visto simplemente dejame saber a mí y hablaremos más detalles ! Fix 21 días http://youtu.be/ Shakeology http://youtu.be/ #4 Ahora la otra parte es Shakeology. Shakeology es la bebida nutricional que es la piedra angular del éxito de estos programas. Usted puede hacer ejercicio todos los días y no ver los resultados completos si no estás comiendo sano y llenando su cuerpo con los nutrientes adecuados. Shakeology es lo que le dice a su cuerpo "Tengo lo que necesito, descargue el resto" y ves que la grasa salga. Esto no es una píldora súper que funciona por arte de magia! Esta es una bebida a base de alimentos enteros que las condiciones del cuerpo para ser fuerte y saludable mientras hace ejercicio. Usted no pierde peso muerto de hambre su cuerpo de los alimentos, pero sólo le da el derecho de alimentos! En pocas palabras, pentagramas el hambre, reduce los antojos, y te mantiene saludable durante este programa Bueno esa es la esencia de todo lo que para mi grupo de apoyo. Por supuesto que estoy un servicio gratuito con el paquete de desafío, una vez usted se une con Beachbody y en mi grupo de apoyo. Yo estaré allí para guiarle en cada paso del camino para asegurar su éxito no estará solo en este programa! ¿Tienes alguna otra pregunta acerca de esta increíble oportunidad antes de llegar se inscribió y que pueda empezar ? #5 Para todo en mi reto su inversión total será de $140. $ 130 de los $ 130 es el reemplazo de la comida (la dosis densa de Shakeology nutricionalmente al día) que se descompone a $4,45 un batido. Yo Reemplazo mi almuerzo con Shakeology. Eso es mucho más barato que la mayoría de las comidas, como Wendy, Subway, Starbucks y 100 veces más saludable así que mi esposo y yo lo sacamo de nuestro presupuesto de comestibles, y terminan rompiendo incluso y nos miramos como si no están gastando más por ello, ya que sustituye a una comida. Hay dos opciones para la inscripción y la segunda opción solo no hace un montón de sentido jaja Pero aquí están: 1. Cuando usted se inscribe con un paquete de desafío que tiene la capacidad para registrarse en la cuenta de miembro descuento (que es lo que soy). Para convertirse en un miembro preferido es de $ 40, pero ya que usted está comprando un paquete de desafío que $ 40 se cortaron. Como miembro, usted ahorrará un 25% en todos los productos Beachbody ($ 30 en Shakeology cada mes), y usted gana una comisión del 25% en caso de que inspire a una persona en el camino. Costará $ 15 al mes para ser miembro, pero una vez más los $ 30 de ahorros mensuales en Shakeology solo hace que valga la pena. También se le enchufado en mi página de equipo de otros 1.700 entrenadores que están en la misma misión que usted consiga sano y en forma. Usted puede cancelar todas Shakeology y su cuenta entrenador con un simple correo electrónico. 2. Para comprar regular sólo paga por su paquete de reto y unirse a grupo reto por 30 días. Yah como he dicho, que sólo tiene sentido para inscribirse como miembro preferido. Y usted puede simplemente cancelar tanto Shakeology y la membresía si simplemente no se siente como que es la opción correcta para usted. Sé que el 95% de mis clientes siguen utilizando Shakeology más allá de los primeros 30 días, ya que les gusta tanto! Rara vez tienen las personas no quieren usarlo más allá de los primeros 30 días. Déjame saber qué opción desea proceder con y le enviaré las instrucciones de pedido. #6 non coach order option Swap to EnglishA continuación se presentan las instrucciones de pedido y si usted tiene alguna pregunta en el proceso , estoy aquí para ayudar. Una vez que usted pone su orden, que me haga saber lo que usted pueda añadir a mi grupo desafío. www.beachbodycoach.com/lilyrubio Haga clic en : compras Haga clic en la izquierda donde dice "challenge pack" Desplácese hacia abajo hasta que vea 21 días fix Seleccione sabor Añadir a la cesta #6 coach option Por favor, siga los pasos que se detallan a continuación. 1 - Por favor, vaya a mi sitio :www.beachbodycoach.com/lilyrubio Haga clic "COACH" Haga clic "BE A COACH" Si aún no dispone de una cuenta de Team Beachbody , ahora será la creación de una tan introduzca toda su información personal. Usted no necesita un nombre biz . ***** PASO IMPORTANTE - Precaución ***** Pantalla Mediados se demostrará que soy su entrenadora. Si mi nombre no aparece , puede cambiar ahora ! Por ejemplo : Escriba Arlyn Pino Asegúrese de que refleja YO como su entrenadora antes de continuar. En la parte inferior de la pantalla , escriba su firma / s / su nombre luego continuar 2 - Segunda pantalla son los paquetes de desafío. Paquetes reto son organizados por precio. Por ejemplo : En el punto de precio $ 160 se encuentra el CP FIX 21 día con Shakeology . A continuación, elija su sabor Shakeology y tamaño de la porción . Continuar y luego de pagar. La cuota de entrenador se retiró al final. Déjame saber si te preguntas |
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I'm so excited that you're interested. I like to make sure I'm working to help people reach their specific goals. Below are all few questions for you to answer and we'll take it from there. 1. Do you have a specific weight loss goal? 2. From 1-10 how would you rate your current fitness level? 3. What have you tried in the past to lose weight? 4. What do you struggle the most with? 5. How are you going to feel if you reach your goals? #2 Thank you for being so honest with your answers. Here's a little bit about my journey as I can relate to some of your answers. I started my Beachbody journey 40 lbs overweight due to 2 back to back pregnancies. I wanted to feel like me again but going to the gym was unrealistic due to my work schedule and family life. I chose to start T25 and bring my workouts home for the first time ever. A major component of my success with that is I changed the way I ate by following the 21 Day Fix plan. Thecombination of the effective workouts with the meal plan, I started to shed the extra pounds and inches right from home. Within 4 months I was back in my pre-pregnancy clothes feeling more confident than ever! It’s been over a year and I haven’t stopped. Okay so here is what I can offer you as a coach in your fitness journey. When you join a support group with me you are going to get the absolute best value and experience! This is the full picture. Its Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success... You are going to get your 21 - 90 day fitness program that is proven to work, a group of 10 to 20 other ladies who are going to be with you every step of the way. These ladies are on the same mission as you are and the support will be priceless, a 30 day supply of a dense dose of daily nutrition packed with super foods which will help to clean out your body, a customizable meal plan, and of course me as your coach to guide you every single step of the way. Does this sound like something that could benefit you? #3 Perfect! Just answer these last few questions for me and I'll get you all the info ASAP: What sort of physical activities have you enjoyed doing in the past? Have you tried Zumba, kickboxing, running, weight lifting, bootcamp? What did you not like? What is your exact weight? How much time do you have a day to commit to working out? I know it is a lot, but everyone gets a real, honest, recommendation from me, so please take the time to answer them and please tell me anything else about you that you would like to share, you can't tell me too much. I can only assure your success if we start right! So glad you reached out, excited to get to know more about you! #4 Thank you for your honest responses. I hope that these videos (below) totally inspire you and get you motivated to work with me! Okay so here are my recommendations based on your goals. I think 21 Day Fix and Shakeology would be a great option for you based on what you have shared with me thus far! Will you check these videos out and let me know if they interest you? Once you have watched just get back to me and we will talk further details! 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack #5 Now the other part of my Challenge is Shakeology. Shakeology is the nutrition drink that is the cornerstone of success with these programs. You can work out every day and not see the full results if you're not eating healthy and filling your body with the right nutrients. Shakeology is what tells your body "I've got what I need, unload the rest" and you see the fat come off. This isn't a super pill that works by magic! This is a whole foods based drink that conditions the body to be strong and healthy while you exercise. You don't lose weight by starving your body of food but by only giving it the right food! In a nutshell, it staves off hunger, cuts cravings, and keeps you healthy during this journey Okay that is the gist of everything for my support group. Of course I am a complimentary service with your challenge pack once you join with Beachbody and into my support group. I will be there to guide you every step of the way to ensure your success you will not be alone in this journey! You will also have over 10 other ladies on the same mission as you! Do you have any other questions about this amazing opportunity before we get you enrolled and get you started? #6 For everything in my challenge your total investment will be $160. $130 of that $160 is the meal replacement (the dense dose of daily nutrition- Shakeology) which breaks down to $4.45 a shake. I replace my breakfat with Shakeology. That is a heck of a lot cheaper than most meals, such as Wendy’s, Subway, Starbucks and 100 times healthier so my husband and I take it out of our grocery budget, and we end up breaking even and we look at it as if we aren’t spending extra for it since it replaces a meal. I actually get it for $3.45 a shake as I am a coach. There are two options for enrollment and the 2nd option just doesn't make a ton of sense lol. But here they are: 1. When you sign up with a challenge pack you have the ability to sign up for discounted membership account (which is what I am). To become a preferred member it is $40, but since you are purchasing a challenge pack that $40 is waived. As a member you save 25% on all Beachbody products ($30 on Shakeology each month), and you earn a 25% commission in case you inspire anyone along the way. It will cost $15 a month to be a member, but again the $30 a month savings on Shakeology alone makes it worth it. You will also be plugged into my team page of 1700 other coaches who are on the same mission as you to get healthy and fit. You can cancel all Shakeology and your coach account with a simple email. 2. As a challenger you just pay for your challenge pack and join 1 challenge group for 30 days. Yah like I said, it just makes sense to sign up as a preferred member. And you can simply cancel both Shakeology and membership if you just do not feel like it’s the right option for you. I know 95% of my challengers continue to use Shakeology beyond the first 30 days because they love it so much! I rarely have people not want to use it beyond the first 30 days. Let me know which option you'd like to proceed with and I'll send you the ordering instructions. #7 (coach option sign up) Please follow the steps detailed below. 1 - Please go to my site: www.beachbodycoach.com/lilyrubiobiz Click Coach, Click BE A COACH If you don’t already have a Team Beachbody account, you will NOW be creating one so enter all your personal info. FYI - You don't need a biz name. *****IMPORTANT STEP - Caution***** Mid screen it will show that I am your coach. If MY name doesn’t appear, you can change it now! For example: Enter Lily Rubio Make sure that it reflects ME as your coach before moving on. At the bottom of the screen type your signature /s/your name then continue 2 - Second screen are the challenge packs. Challenge packs are arranged by price point. For example: Under the $140 price point you will find the 21 DAY FIX CP with Shakeology. Then choose your Shakeology flavor and serving size. Continue and then checkout. The coach fee will be backed out at the end. Let me know if you questions! #7 NON coach sign up Below are the ordering instructions and if you have any questions in the process, I'm here to help. Once you place your order, let me know so I may add you to my challenge group. Make sure it shows ME as your coach, if not please enter my name Arlyn Pino. www.beachbodycoach.com/lilyrubiobiz Click: shop Click on the left where it says Challenge Pack Scroll down until you see 21 day fix Select flavor and choose the 30 day bag the variety packets only gives youa 24 day supply not a 30 day Add to cart |
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