Personal Development Books

Understanding Network Marketing:
1. Go Pro- Eric Worre
2. 45 Second Presentation- Don Failla
3. How to be a Network Marketing Superstar- Mary Christensen
4. How to be a Recruiting Superstar- Mary Christensen
5. How To Sell Network Marketing (without fear, anxiety or losing you friends!)- Michael Oliver
6. Beachmoney- Jordan Adler
7. Rock Your Network Marketing Business- Sarah Robbins
8. Your First Year in Network Marketing- Mark Yarnell
9. Building a Network Marketing Business- Scott Welle
10. Building Your Network Marketing Business- Jim Rohn
11. The Psychology of Selling- Brian Tracy
12. FlipFlop CEO
Daily Discipline/Time Management:
1. The Slight Edge- Jeff Olson
2. The Compound Effect- Darren Hardy
3. Eat that Frog- Brian Tracy
4. No Excuses- Brian Tracy
5. The ONE Thing- Gary Keller
6. Go For No- Richard Fenton
7. The Power of Habit-Charles Duhigg
8. Change Anything- Kerry Patterson
9. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard- Chip Heath
10. Self Discipline in 10 Days- Theodore Bryant
11. Power of Focus- Jack Canfield
12. Living Your Best Year ever- Darren Hardy
13. Getting Things Done- David Allen
14. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Stephen R Covey
1. You Can, You Will- Joel Osteen
2. The Magic of Thinking Big- David Schwartz
3. The Charge- Brenden Buchard
4. Lifes Golden Ticket- Brenden Buchard
5. The Power of Intention- Wayne Dyer 
6. Crush it- Gary Vaynerchuk
7. Outperform the Norm- Scott Welle
8. Maximum Confidence- Jack Canfield
9. Awaken The Giant Within- Tony Robbins
10. What is Your What- Steve Olsher
11. Failing Forward- John C. Maxwell
12. Playing Big- Tara Mohr
13. Girlboss- Sophia Amoruso
14. Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters- Jon Acuff
15. Quitter: Closing the Gap Between your Day Job and your Dream Job- Jon Acuff16. Every Day a Friday- Joel Osteen
17. Living an Exceptional Life- Jim Rohn
18. Daring Greatly- Brene Brown
1. How to Win Friends & Influence People- Dale Carnegie
2. Start with WHY- Simon Sinek
3. The Go Giver- Bob Berg
4. The Go Giver Sells More- Bob Berg
5. Developing the Leader Within- John C Maxwell
6. Developing the Leaders Around You- John C Maxwell
7. Personality Plus- Florence Littauer
8. Just Listen- Mark Goulston
9. The Fred Factor- Mark Sandborn
10. Everybody Communicates, Few Connect- John C Maxwell
11. Five Love Languages- Gary Chapman
Social Media:
1. Jab Jab Jab Right Hook- Gary Vaynerchuk
2. Platform- Michael Hyatt
3. Likeable Social Media- David Kerpen
5. Crush It: Why Now is the Time...-Gary Vaynerchuk 
Goal Setting:
1. PUSH- Chalene Johnson
2. Goals!- Brian Tracey
3. The Desire Map- Danielle LaPorte
4. Unlimited- Jillian Michaels
1. Tribes- Seth Godin
2. Entreleadership- Dave Ramsey
3. Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill
4. Pretty much ANY book by John C Maxwell
5. Born to Win- Zig Ziglar
6. The Success Principles- Jack Canfield
7. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership- John Maxwell
8. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone- Simon Sinek
9. People Follow You- Jeb Blount10. Strengths Finder 2.0- Tom Rath
Nutrition and Clean Eating:
1. Eat Clean Recharged- Tosca Reno
2. Made to Crave- Lysa Turkeurst

Struggling with CONFIDENCE?
"Every Day a Friday" - Joel Osteen
"Unlimited" - Jillian Michael's
Struggling with TIME MANAGEMENT?
"Eat That Frog" - Brian Tracy
"Push" - Chalene Johnson (
Struggling with LEADERSHIP?
"Developing The Leadership Within" - John Maxwell
"People Follow You" - Jeb Blount
"Eat Clean Recharged" - Tosca Reno
"Made to Crave" - Lysa Turkeurst
"Go Pro" - Eric Worre
"Rock Your Network Marketing Business" - Sarah Robbins
"How to Win Friends and Influence people" - Dale Carnegie
"Five Love Languages" - Gary Chapman
Struggling with CONSISTENCY and achieving your goals?
"Slight Edge" - Jeff Olson
"Compound Effect" - Darren Hardy
Some ideas to get you rollin'

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