Free Challenge Group Templates

7 Day Water Challenge 

This is a template you can use to run a free water challenge group starting Monday to Monday. Here are the steps you need to take to run a succesful group.
1. You should annouce your free group at least a week in advance and open the group to start adding your people as they come. 
2. Continue to annouce it several times throughout the week. 

3. Have the "Introduce yourself" picture already posted so people can see it as they come in. 
4. As people are added make sure and welcome them tagging them in the introduction pic.

This serves as a template but it would be most ideal to recreate your own videos and duplicate the images below using your own image. I used the Rhonna design app to create the image below. It is most ideal to post during the day, midday and also have a moment in your day where you are commenting back and cheering on the participants. You can also make it fun & engaging by posting LIVE videos to check in and encourage people and doing a small giveaway.

(Example for creating your promotional flyer)

(Image you can use as your banner for your FB group)

DAY 0: (post this once your group is open and you begin to add people)So happy you are joining me in this water challengeπŸ’¦πŸ’¦Please take a moment and introduce yourself. Are you a mom, student, work, what are you favorite things? A pic would be a plus πŸ˜‰ comment below

DAY 0: (Post the day after you open the group)
Alright Alright!!! We have 10 people in this group. Now its time to share the love. Click on the invite link and add 3 people you think would like to join us. In just a bit I will be posting how to calculate your water intake and officially welcome you. Lets do this!!! 

Happy Monday☀️! Here is the official welcome video with what to expect this week! The way to  calculate your own water intake is by taking your weight, dividing by 2 and the total equals the amount of ounces you should drink in the day. Make sure you are prepared with water bottles on hand. I bought the 6 pack gallon jugs from Costco to fill my water bottles. Once you've watched the video comment below saying "I'm ready, let's do this"
DAY 2: Good job for completing day one! Hopefully you made yourself proud. Whether you made your goal In ounces or not I'm sure you drank more than usual. So keep pushing to meet your goals throughout the week! I wanted to share a video I filmed about creating healthier habits for ourselves. One thing I've learned in my journey is that many times we eat bad out of habit. I've been able to kick many bad eating habits such as night time eating and cutting out lots of processed foods simply by creating new habits. Watch this and tell me which was your favorite idea.

POST 2: If you struggle with drinking water try infusing it with fruit! Heres an idea to make your water more desirable to drink. Plus when things look pleasing to the eye, it makes us want to drink it too! 

Alright Ladies!  Hopefully you made yourself proud today! Isn't crazy to think of how little water we used to drink? Tonight I'd like to introduce adding some workouts to your week. This is a simple 10 min workout I filmed that is super effective and will make you sweat! Repeat it 2 times for a 20 min workout. Who ever posts a sweaty selfie after completing this workout tomorrow or even tonight will be entered into a drawing to win a sample of My favorite chocolate shakeology meal replacement shake πŸ˜‹ in a live video drawing this week.
Post #2  Mid day 
Im loving all your pictures. I will be doing a LIVE Q & A on this page at 7pm. Do you guys have any health,food or fitness questions you'd like for me to answer?? Leave them in the comments below and i will answer them after our drawing. Im excited to interact with you all :)

DAY 4:

One thing you can do to start gaining control on your weight is to watch your portions. I love this pic for helping us visualize what our plates should look like. Try using this as a guide today. Don't forget to get your workout in and post a sweaty selfie so that you could enter to win a sample of chocolate shakeology πŸ˜‹ I'll be doing a live drawing tomorrow. Is eating healthy your biggest challenge? 

Post #2 Mid day 

A little motivation to keep on chugging! I'll take each one these please πŸ™‹πŸ»

DAY 5:
Today I wanted to share a bit about my transformation to healthy living. In November 2014 I embarked on a new health and fitness journey with a program called t25, an at home 25 min workout program along with a delicious meal replacement shake and meal plan. At the time I was in a major “stay at home mommy rut” and needed a change in all aspects of my life. I had been going to the gym and eating as healthy as I thought but somehow I was not losing any weight, I was just maintaining it. After just 4 month on T25 I lost 10 lbs, got more fit and toned than ever and love the woman I’ve turned into. I used to watch tons of reality TV, eat at night, and binge on the weekends. I wanted to be fit and healthy but I honestly didn’t know where to start. For the first time ever, I learned how to make this a lifestyle and not something I start over every Monday (sound familiar?) I replaced those bad habits with better ones like reading books that teach me how to be a better person and give me the right mindset to reach my goals and live up to my highest potential. I no longer eat after 8 pm, simply because I’m just not hungry. I still allow myself to enjoy the foods I want but this time around I learned true moderation. I share this with you to let you know that it is possible to change your habits. For me having a plan to follow and some support made all difference! Thats why I am happy you are here to get a glimps into what its like having someone supporting you in your journey! 

POST 2: 


DAY 6: 
Fun facts & a good reason to stay away from soda!

Day 7: Congrats!!!! You completed my 7 day water challenge. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌWhether you were able to keep up or not, I hope you learned how important it is to set goals for your health and do your best. We are not always going to be perfect but if we keep on trying and don't give up we can see true changes in our bodies. So if you had fun being a part of this group and loved interacting with all the ladies here, I'd like to invite you to join me for my next 60 day fitness challenge. This time around I will help you choose a solid plan that is guaranteed to help you lose 10-15lbs in 3 weeks. With just 30 min workouts and a meal plan that's will change your relationship with food and help you feel more In control. Please watch this video and comment below if you'd like more information. We start on Monday so now is the time to ask questions and decide πŸ˜€

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